
Version 2.0 of the Bathymetry map released

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- This version has approximately eight million data points collected from five different types of fishing boats over an eleven month period. Five hundred of these maps have been distributed to Acehnese fishermen up and down the East and West coasts of Aceh.

This map was made possible through the developed cooperation of the Panglima Laot, the Department of Fisheries, the Indonesian Navy and Syiah Kuala University.

Note: Data is also included from over 19 individual cruises by the German survey vessel SONNE conducted in 2005 through 2007.

One point to note is that the data collected by the German survey vessel (usually took place where depths were greater than 1000 meters) and that collected by the fishermen occurred in depths less than 300 meters. The point that these surveys do not compete with one another, but rather are complimentary.